Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's been so long.

I've decided deactivate my Facebook account and start this blog up again. I really like using this instead of Facebook. Plus, no one even reads this anyway. Which is nice.

So, I'm really close to graduating...okay maybe I graduate in eight months. But still, I'm pretty close. I can't wait to graduate though. I WILL be moving to the cities after high school. That's final. I want to live in Minneapolis and experience the whole city life thing. But most of all, I really want to find someone. I'm getting tired of being alone. I haven't liked someone in a long time, two maybe three years I think. I'm just tired of it.

I wish I could meet someone like Sarah. Like how my brother met her. They just seemed so happy. That's what I want. They seemed like they were having so much fun. And they just loved each other. I'm about to cry just thinking about it.

Alright, I'm done writing for now.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I've been real sad lately. Why you ask? Because I feel as if I am alone. No wait, I am alone. And quite frankly, I'm sick of it. I see friends and people who aren't my friends being in relationships. And it saddens me to think, "why not me?" I'm not jealous of any sort, I'm just curious as to why not me? Why can't I ever find somebody, why does this have to be so difficult?

I wish I could just crawl away into some cave and just disappear. And no one even realizes where I've gone. Infact some people would rather have it that way. I'm sick of it.

All I want is to find somebody. Is that so much to ask? I hate this. I hate myself.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Jesus, it's been quite a while hasn't it? Damn near two months.

Well, I'm starting like this one girl. But I'm not sure. I don't want to get hurt. Which seems like it's right up my alley because it happens to me so often. I think she likes me, but there's no way I'm going to make a move, or even a glipse that I like her.

I'm so sick of my friends and they're being "in love." Please, you don't know what love is. Neither do I. You want a relationship similar to someone that you know who has a relationship. Maybe I'm jealous. I don't think that's the case, but you never know. I also hate when people display their affection for on another publicly (MSN, myspace, and what have you). Nobody want's to see love, especially one's who are lonely, like myself.

Damn, I suck. Being all emo. I like it though. It seems like I fit in to it perfectly. Well, not perfectly. But, whatever.

All right, I'm done. It was nice seeing you.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


emo kid? i think so.

and at the last post, fake celebrities for the win! yessssss!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm due for an update. So, here I am. ANd I'm sure it'll be a short one at that, because there's a shitload of kids in here. I'm listening to music as well. Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer is the name. I've been in a shitty modd lately. As well as a sad mood. I've been thinking a lot about Clint lately. And Abbey broke up with me. Oh fucking well. Get over it, right? Yeah, I know. Give me time. I guess I have an AU in Geometry. Fucking Hoernemann, I have band lessons of Friday's. Do I HAVE to tell you every time?

I think this is it for now.


Friday, January 05, 2007

Well, finally it's Oh-Seven. I'm happy though, I mean it's one more year of being closer to living in Minneapolis. Problem is...everyone wants to fucking live there. Shitheads. Like Kyrie`, Abbey, and all those people. I mean, it just pisses me off that now ALL of them want to move there, it feels like they're copying what I'm doing. And believe me, I HATE when people copy me. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to deal with these fuckers and hopefully never see them in the cities at ALL.

I know, you probably all think that I'm a asshole. But you know what? I don't give a fuck what you think about me or what I do. So why don't you take your nosey ass and shove it? Call me what you will. I could care less.

You know what I hate? When people say "I coudln't care less." It's like, dude, your fucking stupid. "Couldn't care less" is a double negative jackass. And when people say literally, and obviosly they don't mean it. It's like, holy fuck man, how dumb can you honestly be? People here are so, so dumb. LITERALLY!

On a much lighter tone. Me and Jordan are thinking of starting some crappy hardcore band. Should be fun. He's got a nice amp and guitar, I'm buying a new drumset and an extra bass drum pedal for all those double-bass songs we'll be crankin' out. HA!

I'm fucking sick of everybody. So don't talk to me unless you want to get bitched at. If you do, on the other hand, feel free to do so.


Ahahaha. Fuck yeah.

This could be a day of inner turmoil for you, dear Taurus. You will be rethinking some of your fundamental values and are unsure if they are still relevant to your life. It is clear that some soul-searching is in order for you. There are no right or wrong answers here, only what is in your heart. If your goal is to live authentically, then you will need to make some big changes in your life. But don't act rashly. Think things all the way through before taking action.

= my horoscope. Dude, they got it nailed.

Monday, December 18, 2006

You know, as much as life seems to suck sometimes, there are few things that make life worth living.

First, there's Minute Maid Cherry Limeade. This stuff is sooooooo good. It's the best beverage I have ever had. It's hard to come buy, and whenever a store in Granite has it, I want to buy the whole case.

Secondly, there's Animal Crossing. Honestly, this game is so rad. Sure it's an RPG (role-playing-game, for those of you who don't know what RPG is), but it's not all shitty and loaded down with violence, weapons, and fucking long story lines. Infact, there is no/little story. You're just a human moving into a town with animals in it instead of humans. It's sounds stupid, but you have to be stupid not to own this game. It's so fun, just running around (especially in the winter) cathing fish and bugs, doing chores for people, and decorating your house. Oh, and I started a new person on my Animal Crossing, so now there's three humans in my town. Lech, Cuddles (Renae), and Nyanko. Nyanko is Japanese for "cat-child." And I love cats. So, it all works out.

Next, staying at home when my parents are away. It's so fun. I mean, it's like I'm on my own. There's no rules or anything. I could walk around inside in my boxers if I wanted to (which I didn't, by the way). It's such a nice feeling, staying up however late I want to. Getting up whenever (preferably in the early morning). I'm not all "typical teenage movie" i.e. when parents are gone, you throw a party. No, infact it's quite the opposite, I like to be by myself when my parents are gone.

After that, 88.9 Minnesota Public Radio/National Public Radio. It's the best radio station ever. It's nationally broadcasted from Minnesota. There's so much garbage on the radio all the time. This station has it all; advice, exceptionally good folk music, A Prairie Home Companion, and political issues. I love it, and no matter where I go in the continental U.S. I'll get the station.

Next, well actually life is pretty good. Until I run out of Cherry Limeade, Animal Crossing stops working, parents realize that I'm not where they think I am, and 88.9 doesn't reach greater Minnesota. Life should be good.

Fuck Outta' Here!